Speech Camp Talks

Most of these talks come with activities, some more active than others. You are encouraged to wear comfortable clothing conducive to movement.

Professional Presentation Skills - In this highly interactive session, you will learn the mannerisms of professional speakers. In the activity, everyone will get a chance to speak and be evaluated. We can all improve our presentation skills, and we will do this in a fun and relatively safe environment.

SCORREing Your Speeches Part 1 – Studies show that most people leave a talk without knowing what the objective of the speaker was. On top of that, 50%+ of the speakers can’t state their objective in just a couple sentences. This method forces you to actually make sense and give a memorable speech. Learn to SCORRE your talks and get some practice in this talk and exercise.

SCORREing Your Speeches - Practice - This session will take you through preparing and giving a short speech using the SCORRE Method.

Story-Branding Your Speeches - Whether you are in Speech, Debate, interviewing for a job, marketing, or a myriad of other things, understanding the power and importance of Story will help drive your narrative. Knowing your part of the story, as well as those around you can set you up for success. Be prepared for a really fun activity too.

Application and Activities - This will give an idea of how to apply the foundations of speech to the different categories of speech events.

Everything You Do Matters - Speech and Debate is so much more than winning competitions, or even learning how to speak confidently, think critically, and persuade effectively. It really comes down to the "why" we want to learn to use these tools effectively. No matter what you do, or don’t do, every action you take, or don’t take, matters. Make every single day count.